Routing #: 281581144 • Wire Instructions
Routing #: 281581144 • Wire Instructions
Switch to e-statements and enjoy a faster, safer, and more convenient way to access your account information—plus, we’ll give you $5 just for making the switch! Enrolling is easy and takes just a few minutes. Make the change today and start enjoying the benefits of paperless banking!
E-Statements are a smart way to manage your finances while reducing paper waste. Here’s why our members love them:
1. Log in to your online banking from your mobile app.
If you haven't downloaded the app yet, you can do so here:
2. Click on Menu.
3. Click on Email Settings.
1. Log In to your online banking from your desktop by going to
If you get stuck at any point, our Member Service Representatives are here to help! We're happy to assist you in getting set up with E-Statements.
Simply give us a call at 573-686-7221 or toll-free at 1-800-786-7221. You can also email us at for support.
*If Member is already receiving e-Statements they are not eligible for the $5.00. Members will receive a $5.00 credit to their primary Savings account after signing up to receive E-Statements. The $5.00 promotional offer will appear as a credit in the member’s primary Savings within 30 days of signing up for e-Statements. Promotional offer limited to one (1) $5.00 credit per primary member. Subject to change or cancellation without notice.