Routing #: 281581144 • Wire Instructions
Routing #: 281581144 • Wire Instructions
CU Certified provides coverage options for the following:
Available as a surcharge option. Limitations and exclusions may apply.
CU Certified is made available to Ozark Federal Credit Union members through CU Certifed™. Vehicle Warranty Products are issued by CU Certified or its subsidiaries or affiliates, 3 Executive Park Suite #217, Bedford, NH 031106 USA. Please consult your policy for specific coverages and limitations. The warranty offered is not a deposit and is not federally insured, sold or guaranteed by Ozark Federal Credit Union. Ozark Federal Credit Union is in no way responsible for any products or services provided by or through CU Certified or its affiliates, subsidiaries, and company partners. Ozark Federal Credit Union enables this warranty program to be offered and is entitled to compensation from CU Certified.